Penis Enlargement Filler Injection

The Procedure

Dermal filler injections are a safe, non-invasive and virtually painless method of penis enlargement.

Penis enlargement filler injections are offered at our Vancouver clinic location.*

Please contact us now to book a virtual consultation.

Dermal penis filler injections using products already proven to enhance cheeks and chins, can be used to increase the thickness (girth) of both the erect and flaccid penis.

Men prefer enlargement with fillers because the results are instantly noticeable.

The effects are also long-lasting, as the dermal filler will be naturally dissolved by the body over one to two years or even longer.

Some clinical evidence suggests that injecting dermal fillers into the glans of the penis can also help with sensitivity, control and longer sex.

The filler may provide a barrier between the glans and external stimuli which can reduce hypersensitivity and hence extend the duration of intercourse.

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How It Works

The treatment is rapid, effective, and virtually painless. During the procedure, the dermal filler is injected directly into the penile shaft. We typically use two small injection sites with a microcannula, offering enhanced safety over multiple sharp needle injections and less trauma.

In one to two weeks, the filler will naturally integrate into the tissue of the penis, revealing smooth results without lumps or bumps. You can expect to see a 10% to 20% increase in thickness and flaccid penis length.

For the shaft, the filler is injected deeper using our proprietary technique for a firmer, smoother, more natural result.

In order to maintain proportion and symmetry, we offer injection of dermal penis filler into the glans as well, which can further enhance contact stimulation.

Based on your consultation, we will recommend a filler option for you and discuss how much and where to place it.

Filler injection is a minimally-invasive and low-risk way to increase the girth of the penis.

Potential Benefits Of Penis Enlargement With Dermal Fillers

In addition to the potential for penis growth, there are expected benefits for male sexual performance and satisfaction to be gained from dermal filler injections:

  • Erections being stronger, longer lasting, firmer, and more satisfying
  • An increase in penis girth
  • Greater sexual stamina
  • Enhancement of penile sensation and sexual satisfaction for both partners
  • May contribute to a shortened time that it takes to get erect again after sex
  • Improved confidence and ego boost
  • No impact on fertility or long-term health

Penile Augmentation With Fillers FAQ

Your private, confidential consultation will allow you to share concerns and questions, then consider the entire process before deciding. The risks and benefits of penis enlargement will be detailed for you. Your physician will also let you know what you can achieve realistically. Each person is unique, and your physical exam will help determine what your personal needs and options are for penis enlargement.

Some men who are seeking solutions for small penis size have a distorted view of what they actually have. Therefore, your perception of size and realistic expectations of penis enhancement should be discussed during an initial consultation.

If you are just going through a difficult relationship or life situation and you are hoping that a penis enlargement will be the solution to any emotional suffering you are experiencing, you are likely not a good candidate. You should seek counselling first before considering a penis enlargement.

There is significant variation from patient to patient. The amount of girth gained depends on the length of the penis and the amount of filler injected. A shorter penis will require less filler, and conversely, a longer penis will require more filler.

The safest and most effective approach is to add girth cumulatively, in manageable steps and with repeat visits, rather than an ‘all in one go’ approach. As the recovery time is quite short, it is not a major inconvenience to have a small amount of additional filler on a subsequent visit should that be desired.

The duration of the results varies from one to two years. Patients will need to repeat the treatment again (usually with less filler) to maintain their increased penis size.

Supplementation of collagen has been thought to promote longer longevity of fillers and may be considered in your nutritional regimen.

The procedure can take less than an hour. You can leave the clinic by driving yourself home.

Most men return to work the next day. There may be some mild bruising that can last up to a week after the procedure. Sex and masturbation can be resumed after 2 weeks, but ideally 4 weeks to prevent filler migration.

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Penile Filler Procedure Details

During the procedure, the dermal filler is injected directly into the penile shaft. We typically use two small injection sites with a microcannula, offering enhanced safety over multiple sharp needle injections and less trauma.
You will be at the clinic for about an hour, and will be able to drive after the procedure.
The treatment is virtually painless once local anaesthetic is then injected to minimise any discomfort.
Most men return to work the next day. There may be some mild bruising that can last up to a week after the procedure. Sex and masturbation can be resumed after 2 weeks, but ideally 4 weeks to prevent filler migration.
Complications are rare and usually minor, including temporary swelling and mild bruising, like what may occur with any routine injection.


Penile filler will result in an increase in your penis size.

In addition to the expected increase in penis thickness, it is also possible to experience an increase in flaccid length due to the weight of the fillers extending the hanging penis and reducing “shrinkage”.

In addition to the potential for penis growth, there are expected benefits for male sexual performance and satisfaction to be gained from penile injection therapy.


*Dermal filler penile augmentation procedures are not performed at Gentle Procedures Clinic. They are offered in our Vancouver Pollock Clinics location.

**Results may vary.

Penile Filler Injection in Vancouver. Book a virtual consult to get started

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